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We use AI to scan 1,000,000 jobs in real-time directly from company pages. Every company, every job, actually hiring on the internet.


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60% of listed jobs on the internet are outdated, spammy or no longer hiring. HireBase scans the internet to find real jobs directly from companies that are actually hiring now.

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Stop competing with hundreds of applicants for expired roles on Linkedin and Indeed. Access the hidden job market directly from employers with HireBase and get hired faster with the most powerful job search engine on the internet.

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With our proprietary tech, HireBase indexes millions of job listings directly from employer websites daily. We eliminate the β€˜noise’ that pollutes other jobs datasets, so our labor market data is highly accurate and powerful in its clarity.

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These companies have seen the largest uptick in hiring in the last 7 days.Β 

🀡🏻 ‍What our users are saying
Not convinced? Join the hundreds of satisfied job seekers and businesses who use HireBase to save time and outsmart the competition.
HireBase stands out as a guiding light for those wanting to cut through the clutter on LinkedIn and other sites, zeroing in on the right roles!
by Walid Ferjani SEO Specialist
Excellent tool for a successful job hunt. HireBase streamlines the process by filtering out most scam and outdated postings. I'm a fan of the interface and email alerts. It felt like it provided me an edge by being among the early applicants. I secured a job offer just three weeks after signing up with HireBase!
by Sandra Wellins Technical Recruiter
I applied to 500 jobs in 3 months without a single interview. Then I came across HireBase, and within a week, I landed 3 interviews! I'm particularly fond of the site's layout and the direct links to company websites.I recommend HireBase to everyone.
by Anthony Contreras Software Engineer
I’m so glad I stumbled upon HireBase on reddit, it’s been a game-changer! I found jobs I’ve never seen before on any other job search platform, and the search is super easy to use and extremely powerful.
by - Reddit User
We use HireBase to backfill our job board, the API is very simple to use and we get great value for the price compared to other solutions out there. Tons of super high quality jobs are important for us to get strong search traffic, in addition the enriched jobs data allow us to build our search function around lots of different criteria.
by - Job Board Owner

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This chart shows the number of live roles across different industries.